What Do Airless Spray Tip Sizes Mean?
What Do Airless Spray Tip Sizes Mean?
If you're planning to spray for the first time, the importance of selecting the right Airless Spray Tip is often overlooked. This tiny component determines how the paint is applied to your target. So, what differentiates these tips, and which one is right for you?
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How to Interpret Airless Spray Tip Sizes
Airless tips are sized using a three-digit number, such as 515. The first digit represents half the fan width (in inches), while the last two digits indicate the orifice size in thousandths of an inch. For example, both 508 and 515 tips have the same fan width (approximately 10 inches), but they differ in the size of their holes. The 508 has a 0.008-inch hole, and the 515 has a 0.015-inch hole. Here are some examples:
Tip Number | Fan Width | Orifice Size |
211 | 4 inches | 0.011 inches |
417 | 8 inches | 0.017 inches |
527 | 10 inches | 0.027 inches |
The relationship between the tip opening (orifice) and the spray pattern size is straightforward:
- Given the same fan width, a larger orifice will apply more material, resulting in greater paint flow.
- Given the same orifice size, increasing the fan width will distribute the material over a larger area, resulting in a thinner coating.
For more information, please visit New graco sprayer filter.
Which Tip Size Should You Buy?
Now that you understand what the sizes mean, how do you choose the right one? Consider the following factors:
- Area You're Spraying: Example: You wouldn't use a 517 tip (10-inch fan) for a 4-inch baseboard.
- Sprayer Size: Your sprayer has a maximum tip size, e.g., 0.017 inches. Use any tip ending in 17 or lower.
- Material Being Sprayed: Thinner materials like oil-based stains require smaller orifices, while thicker materials like latex paint need larger ones. A 415 tip works well for both types, but the material's quality also matters.
Popular Tip Sizes and Uses
- 415: Versatile for walls, doors, ceilings, decks, and exterior surfaces.
- 517: Ideal for interior walls and ceilings.
- 413: Suitable for doors and exterior overhangs, providing better control than a 415.
- 313: Used in the same areas as a 413 but for narrower sections.
- 515: Similar to a 415 but with a wider fan width.
- 211: Perfect for new construction baseboards and exterior fascia boards. Requires an extra-fine red gun filter, especially when using latex paint.
- 619: Best for new construction where overspray isn't a concern and high output is needed. Ensure your pump can handle a 0.019-inch tip to avoid runs.
For more information, check out the Stainless Steel Demister Pad.
If you have further questions, feel free to email info@gleempaint.com or call (228) 863-3942. We'd be happy to provide a recommendation.