A Guide to Reducing Conveyor Belt Expenditure
A Guide to Reducing Conveyor Belt Expenditure
In the pursuit of greater economy, sometimes more really can be less.
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Conveyor belt technology has advanced enormously in recent years. Conveyor operators should therefore rightly expect considerably longer operational lifetimes compared to what was acceptable as recently as five or ten years ago. However, the fact is that most operators continue to repair and replace belts much more frequently than they should need to. The good news is that it can be surprisingly easy to achieve significant reductions, both in the frequency of belt replacement as well as belt repairs and maintenance simply by being aware of commonplace deceptions and misconceptions.
What is the TRUE cost of a conveyor belt?
Although sales people will always maintain that making a choice based on price rather than the quality of the product is not the best way to make a decision, the fact remains that price is important because conveyor belts are costly items. The reality is that price will almost invariably be the number one factor in the selection criteria.
Conveyors play a vital role and have to cope with demanding environments and materials and it is the conveyor belts themselves that are invariably the most vulnerable component. Their durability and reliability are therefore critical factors, both in terms of productivity and in budgetary management. Despite this, the preoccupation still seems to be the price of the belt rather than its whole life cost. This almost invariably means buying low-priced belts, the vast majority of which originate from Asia.
Price is very rarely an accurate measure of ultimate cost.
When visiting ports and terminals I have often found myself shaking my head in disbelief when I come across buyers of conveyor belts who are absolutely convinced that they are getting a good deal because the price they are paying can be as much as 30% (or more) lower than the more well established premium quality brands. The fact that they will almost certainly have to buy at least two and quite possibly three economy belts instead of one, good quality harder-wearing belt expensive belt over the same period seems to be ignored.
The true economic value of a conveyor belt can only be properly established by calculating the whole life cost. This is simply achieved by adding the price paid to other known associated costs such as fitting, repairs and maintenance. Lost production time is another important cost to factor in. The total is then divided by either the actual (or anticipated) operational lifetime (measured in either weeks, months, years or running hours) or alternatively by the tonnage carried. In my experience it is surprisingly rare to find a conveyor operator who makes such calculations. It may be hard to believe but some do not even keep records of when old belts are replaced with new ones.
Why the difference?
Perhaps the question I am most often asked is how there can be such huge differences in price between one belt supplier/manufacturer and another for belts of apparently the exact same specification. There are two equally valid answers to that question. The first lies in the cost make-up of producing a conveyor belt. The second is the actual quality of the belt including the kind of trickery and deception that many manufacturers and suppliers use nowadays to create the illusion of quality.
The cost of producing a conveyor belt
There can never be a fixed formula due to the wide variety of individual belt specifications but the influence of raw material costs on the selling price is hugely significant. As a general rule of thumb, raw materials constitute some 70% of the total cost of producing a conveyor belt. The general overheads element is generally around 10%. Thanks to the high level of automation, the actual labour cost element is very low. You are unlikely to see more than three or four people operating a typical production line. This last fact certainly shoots down the usual assumption that belts imported from Asia are lower priced because their labour costs are much lower than those in Europe.
When faced with a huge difference in price and the fact that raw materials make up the vast bulk of the total manufacturing cost, it is perfectly reasonable to conclude that materials of a lower quality have been used to achieve that difference. For example, the pressure to keep costs to an absolute minimum means that recycled rubber of highly questionable origin may well have been used in the mix. Another cost-saving method is to use cheap bulking fillers to replace part of the rubber polymers in the rubber compound.
The tell-tale signs to look for when evaluating quality can be broken down to the two main constituent parts of a conveyor belt, which is the carcass and the rubber covers used to protect that carcass.
The carcass
The type of belt most commonly used for transhipment is rubber multi-ply with a polyester/nylon (EP) fabric reinforced carcass protected by an outer cover of rubber. It is the carcass that provides the inherent characteristics of a conveyor belt such as its tensile strength and elongation (elasticity or stretch under tension).
Although the belts being offered may state the same specification, there can be huge differences in the actual quality of the fabric plies. In low quality (low cost) fabrics, although the amount of material used in the longitudinal strands (warp) of the fabric may be adequate, the amount of transversal (weft) material is kept to an absolute minimum in order to reduce cost. Although the required tensile strength is achieved, albeit with a low safety factor, rip and tear resistance is reduced and elongation (stretch) is low.
Low elongation may not sound overly important but if the elongation is too low then this can cause a number of problems including a general inability to accommodate the contours of the conveyor and its drums and pulleys. This can quite easily lead to the premature failure of the belt.
What to watch out for
A method of cost (price) cutting that is now becoming an increasingly common practice is the use of totally polyester (EE) fabric plies in a carcass that is declared as having an EP carcass (polyester/nylon mix) construction. The reason for this deception is that the cost of EE fabric is some 30% lower than the cost of EP fabric. This helps the seller to achieve the perception of a lower like for like price. This may sound relatively harmless but the seriousness of the physical effects are huge. The biggest danger is that a polyester weft can cause low transverse elasticity, which reduces both the troughability and impact resistance of the belt and consequently also causes tracking issues. In addition, less weft in the belt can also reduce rip resistance, fastener strength and ability to handle small pulley sizes.
The covers
As the rubber used for the outer covers is the single biggest element of cost when manufacturing a conveyor belt it is consequently the single biggest opportunity for manufacturers to economise. There are many different types of rubber compound used for rubber multi-ply belts because modern-day belts have to deal with a multitude of different (and often combined) demands. Most of the rubber used in conveyor belting is therefore synthetic.
There are literally hundreds of different chemical components and substances that are needed to create the synthetic rubber compounds that, once vulcanized, are able to meet the specific physical performance and safety requirements. For dry cargo handling, the four basic aspects that most determine the quality of performance are wear (abrasion) resistance; tear strength, oil resistance and ozone & UV resistance. The greatest influence on the operational lifetime of a conveyor belt comes from the level of abrasion resistance of the rubber.
Abrasive wear testing
Abrasion resistance (ISO / DIN ) is measured by moving a test piece of rubber across the surface of an abrasive sheet mounted on a revolving drum. It is expressed as volume loss in cubic millimeters, for instance 150 mm³. The most important thing to remember when comparing abrasion test results (or promises!) is that higher figures represent a greater loss of surface rubber, which means that there is a lower resistance to abrasion. The lower the figure then the better the wear resistance. Comparing (evaluating) one offer from another is made very difficult by virtue of the fact that (with only one exception that I know of) the technical datasheets provided by manufacturers and traders almost invariably only show the minimum requirement of a particular test method or quality standard rather than the actual performance that the belt being offered would be expected to achieve.
In addition to checking the level of resistance to abrasion it is advisable to check the thickness of the rubber covers when the belt arrives on site. Apart from using the lowest grade rubber possible, another trick made the suppliers of economy belting is to supply covers that can be up to 15% (or more) thinner than the promised specification. 1mm here or there may not sound much but it represents a huge cost saving to the manufacturer that they can reflect in the price. At the same time, it means 15% shorter wear life for the unfortunate end-user.
Oil resistance
Many bulk materials, especially grain and biomass, contain oils and resins; either mineral or vegetable/animal. When oil of any kind penetrates rubber it causes it to swell and distort. This results in serious tracking and steering problems, accelerated wear and ultimately premature replacement. There are two recognised test methods for oil resistance, both of which involve almost identical test procedures. These are ISO and the comparable, slightly less elaborate but equally tough American ASTM D .
When evaluating offers for oil resistant belting and looking at the respective quality standards, it is very important to bear in mind that many of the biggest manufacturers of belting in the world use the DIN reference number G when referring to oil resistant belting. This is very misleading because the letter G is simply used to denote oil (or grease) resistant belting. DIN G does not actually contain any requirements, test methods or limits specific to oil resistant belting. This is a classic example of how the use of a test method reference number is designed to provide reassurance to the buyer but in reality is meaningless in terms of actual performance.
Ozone & UV qualities
There is absolutely no question that ALL rubber conveyor belts should be fully resistant to the damaging effects of ozone and ultra violet light. This is because at ground level ozone becomes a pollutant. Exposure increases the acidity of carbon black surfaces and causes reactions to take place within the molecular structure of the rubber. This has several consequences such as a surface cracking and a marked decrease in the tensile strength of the rubber. Likewise, ultraviolet light from sunlight and fluorescent lighting also accelerates deterioration because it produces photochemical reactions that that promote the oxidation of the surface of the rubber resulting in a loss in mechanical strength.
Rubber belts that are not fully resistant to ozone and UV can start to show signs of degradation before they have even been fitted to a conveyor. Despite its crucial importance, not least its huge influence on the working lifetime of a belt, ozone and UV resistance is very rarely, if ever, mentioned by traders or manufacturers. This is almost certainly because the anti-ozonants that need to be added during the mixing process to make the rubber compound resistant to ozone & ultra violet cost money and that, of course, makes the belt less competitive on price. My advice is to always make ozone & UV resistance a required part of the specification when selecting any rubber conveyor belt.
Safe to handle?
The pressure to compete on price has increasingly led to the use of potentially dangerous chemical substances to artificially accelerate the vulcanization process. When the European Unions REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemical substances) regulation EC / came into force in June such concerns should have largely been dispelled. The regulations were introduced to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. All European manufacturers are legally obliged to register the use of substances of very high concern (including those believed to cause various forms of cancer) that are listed within the regulations with ECHA (European Chemical Agency).
However, it is important to be aware that manufacturers located outside of EU member states are not subject to the regulations and are therefore free to use unregulated raw materials. However, those who import belts from outside the EU ARE responsible for the application of REACH regulation. Personally, I would always recommend asking for written confirmation from the belt manufacturer or supplier that the product they are offering will be produced in compliance with REACH EC / regulations.
CE Marking
Compliance with CE quality standards is increasingly being stipulated by purchasers of industrial conveyor belts. However, CE accreditation does not apply to conveyor belts because they are not a product category that is subject to specific directives that are required to be CE marked.
The letters CE used in the CE Marking are the abbreviation of French phrase Conformité Européene which literally means European Conformity. The term initially used was EC Mark but it was officially replaced by CE Marking in the Directive 93/68/EEC in .
It is important to be aware of the fact that a very similar mark exists which many potential users may mistakenly believe is a genuine CE mark of European conformity. In reality it actually stands for China Export, meaning that the product was manufactured in China.
Be sure of what you are buying
A fast-growing and very significant proportion of belting sold in Europe is imported from South East Asia by traders. This is not to say that all belting imported from Asia is substandard because that is not the case. However, random laboratory test of imported belt continues to consistently reveal serious and quite worrying shortcomings.
One such test on a basic abrasion resistant belt revealed that the tensile strength of the carcass was more than 20% below the specified minimum. It was also discovered that the abrasion resistance of the covers was 47% over the DIN Y maximum standard of 150 Mm3. To make matters even worse, ISO testing showed that the rubber had virtually no resistance to ozone and began to crack within 6 hours of exposure. Another set of tests on a fire resistant belt revealed that the 6mm specification of the top cover thickness actually measured only 4mm.
Even more seriously, the belt had a totally inadequate level of fire resistance. In the ISO 340 test the duration of continued burning (visible flame) should be less than 15 seconds for each sample with a maximum cumulative duration of 45 seconds for each group of six test samples. The total time that the six Chinese belt sample test pieces took to self-extinguish was 102 seconds.
End-users are effectively required to rely on the honesty and integrity of the trader who in turn is reliant on the honesty and integrity of a manufacturer who may well have their own interpretation of test methods and quality standards. European conveyor belt manufacturers could also justifiably argue that they are at a disadvantage. Interestingly but somewhat worryingly, with only one notable exception as far as I can tell, all European-based belt manufacturers import and re-sell belting under their own brand name to supplement their overall output. This allows them to be more competitive on price. Again, the vast bulk of these imports come from China and to a lesser extent India.
Seek advice
A significant difference in price is best treated with suspicion. As the quality of a belt is usually reflected by its price it is always worth the effort to check and compare the original manufacturers specifications very carefully and ask for documented evidence of compliance and performance. As I mentioned earlier, the only way to assess value for money is to know the true cost. Paying a bit more for the superior performance and lower lifetime cost provided by one, good quality belt rather than two or three economically priced belts will almost certainly prove that sometimes, more really can be less.
Leslie David
About the author
After spending 23 years in logistics management, Leslie David has specialised in conveyor belting for over 13 years. During that time, he has written numerous technical guidance bulletins and is one of the most published authors on conveyor belt technology in Europe.
Primary Belt Scraper(Cleaner): Last Longer And Cost Less
Primary Belt ScraperCleaner): Last Longer And Cost Less
Primary belt scraper is essential components in the maintenance and efficiency of conveyor belt systems. These devices are installed at the head pulley of a conveyor belt to remove the bulk of material that adheres to the belt after it has discharged its load. This process is crucial in preventing material carryback, which can lead to several operational issues such as belt mistracking, excessive wear, and unnecessary downtime for cleaning and maintenance.Primary belt scraper is an essential component of bulk material handling system ,can remove residual material, for optimal conveyor performance. By effectively removing this residual material, primary belt scrapers play a vital role in keeping the conveyor system clean and efficient.
Table of Contents
The 10 Roles of Primary Belt Scraper in Material Handling
Primary conveyor belt scrapers are crucial in material handling systems, ensuring the efficiency and longevity of conveyor operations. They function by removing residual material from the conveyor belt after it has discharged its load, thus preventing carryback. This process is fundamental in maintaining the smooth operation of the conveyor system, as carryback can lead to several operational challenges.
Primary belt scrapers, also known as belt cleaners, play a crucial role in material handling systems, particularly in conveyor belt operations. Here are the ten primary roles of a belt scraper:
- Material Removal: The primary function is to remove material that adheres to the conveyor belt, ensuring it is clean and reducing material buildup.
- Preventing Belt Misalignment: By removing debris, belt scrapers help maintain the belts proper alignment, preventing it from running off-track.
- Reducing Wear and Tear: Clean belts experience less friction and wear, prolonging the life of the belt and other conveyor components.
- Minimizing Downtime: Keeping the belt clean reduces the need for maintenance stops, thus increasing operational efficiency and reducing downtime.
- Improving Efficiency: Clean belts ensure that the conveyor system operates at peak efficiency by maintaining a smooth and unobstructed surface.
- Preventing Material Spillage: By cleaning the belt effectively, scrapers prevent material from spilling onto the return side, thus maintaining a clean and safe working environment.
- Enhancing Safety: Cleaner belts reduce the risk of accidents caused by material spillage, ensuring a safer working environment for personnel.
- Optimizing Performance: Belt scrapers help in maintaining optimal performance of the conveyor system by ensuring consistent material flow and reducing interruptions.
- Reducing Environmental Impact: By preventing material spillage and dust, belt scrapers contribute to a cleaner and more environmentally friendly operation.
- Cost Savings: By prolonging the life of the conveyor belt and reducing maintenance needs, belt scrapers contribute to significant cost savings over time.
Primary conveyor belt scrapers are indispensable components in material handling systems. They play a critical role in maintaining the efficiency, safety, and environmental compliance of conveyor operations. By effectively removing residual material from the belt, they prevent carryback, reduce material waste, enhance workplace safety, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Their durability, customization options, and ease of maintenance further enhance their value, making them a worthwhile investment for any conveyor system. With these benefits, primary belt scrapers are essential tools in achieving optimal conveyor performance and reliability.
Exploring the Best Primary Belt Scraper Options
Choosing the best primary belt scraper is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your conveyor belt system. Primary belt scrapers are designed to remove bulk materials from the conveyor belt after the discharge point, helping to reduce material carryback, improve belt performance, and minimize maintenance costs. In this section, we will explore the key features to look for in the best primary belt scraper and highlight some leading brands and models known for their quality and reliability.
Key Features to Look for in the Best Primary Belt Scraper
When selecting a primary belt scraper, it is essential to consider several key features that can significantly impact its performance and durability. Here are some of the most important factors to keep in mind:
- Material Compatibility: The best primary belt scraper should be compatible with the type of material being conveyed. Different materials have varying levels of abrasiveness, moisture content, and stickiness, which can affect the scrapers efficiency. For instance, materials with high moisture content or sticky properties may require scrapers with specific blade designs to effectively remove the material without damaging the belt.
- Blade Material: The material of the scraper blade is crucial for its durability and effectiveness. Common materials for scraper blades include polyurethane, carbide, and stainless steel. Polyurethane blades are flexible and resistant to wear, making them suitable for lighter applications. Carbide blades, on the other hand, are highly abrasion-resistant and ideal for heavy-duty applications. Stainless steel blades offer a good balance between durability and flexibility.
- Adjustability: The best primary belt scrapers should be easily adjustable to maintain optimal contact with the conveyor belt. This ensures consistent cleaning performance and helps to extend the lifespan of both the scraper and the belt. Look for scrapers with easy-to-use adjustment mechanisms that allow for quick and precise positioning.
- Mounting System: The mounting system of the scraper is another important consideration. A robust and secure mounting system ensures that the scraper remains in place during operation, providing consistent cleaning performance. Some scrapers come with universal mounting brackets that can be easily adapted to fit different conveyor systems.
- Ease of Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of the primary belt scraper. Look for scrapers that are designed for easy maintenance, with features such as quick-release mechanisms for blade replacement and accessible adjustment points. This will help to minimize downtime and reduce maintenance costs.
- Cost-Effectiveness: While it is important to invest in a high-quality scraper, it is also essential to consider the cost-effectiveness of the solution. The best primary belt scrapers should offer a good balance between performance, durability, and cost. Look for scrapers that provide long-lasting performance and require minimal maintenance, helping to reduce overall operating costs.
Leading Brands and Models Known for Quality and Reliability
Several leading brands and models of primary belt scrapers are known for their quality and reliability. Here are some of the top options to consider:
- Flexco Primary Belt Scrapers: Flexco is a well-known brand in the conveyor belt industry, offering a wide range of primary belt scrapers designed for various applications. Their scrapers are known for their durability, ease of maintenance, and efficient cleaning performance. Flexcos carbide-tipped blades are particularly popular for heavy-duty applications, providing excellent abrasion resistance and long-lasting performance.
- Martin Engineering Primary Belt Scrapers: Martin Engineering is another reputable brand offering high-quality primary belt scrapers. Their scrapers are designed to provide efficient material removal and reduce carryback, helping to improve conveyor belt performance. Martin Engineering offers a variety of scraper models with different blade materials and designs to suit various applications.
- Metso Primary Belt Scrapers: Metso is a global leader in the mining and construction industries, known for their innovative conveyor belt solutions. Their primary belt scrapers are designed to provide reliable and efficient cleaning performance, reducing material carryback and improving belt lifespan. Metsos scrapers are available in various configurations to meet the specific needs of different applications.
- Richwood Primary Belt Scrapers: Richwood is a trusted name in conveyor belt cleaning systems, offering high-performance primary belt scrapers designed to withstand the toughest conditions. Their scrapers feature durable blade materials and robust mounting systems, ensuring consistent cleaning performance and long-lasting durability.
- ASGCO Primary Belt Scrapers: ASGCO provides a range of primary belt scrapers known for their quality and reliability. Their scrapers are designed to effectively remove material from the conveyor belt, reducing carryback and improving overall system efficiency. ASGCO offers various scraper models with different blade materials and designs to suit different applications.
Request a quote for high-performance conveyor cleaners.
Primary Belt Scraper for Sale: What to Look For
When looking for a primary belt scraper for sale, it is important to consider several factors to ensure you select the right scraper for your needs. Here are some tips on selecting the right primary belt scraper and where to find them for sale, including online and offline options.
Tips on Selecting the Right Primary Belt Scraper for Your Needs
- Assess Your Conveyor System Requirements: Before purchasing a primary belt scraper, it is essential to assess the specific requirements of your conveyor system. Consider factors such as the type of material being conveyed, belt speed, and belt width. Understanding these requirements will help you select a scraper that is compatible with your system and provides optimal performance.
- Consider the Operating Environment: The operating environment can significantly impact the performance and durability of the primary belt scraper. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and exposure to chemicals can affect the scrapers materials and performance. Ensure that the scraper you choose is designed to withstand the conditions of your operating environment.
- Evaluate Scraper Features and Specifications: Review the features and specifications of different primary belt scrapers to determine which one best meets your needs. Consider factors such as blade material, adjustability, mounting system, and ease of maintenance. Selecting a scraper with the right features will ensure efficient cleaning performance and long-lasting durability.
- Read Reviews and Testimonials: Reading reviews and testimonials from other users can provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of different primary belt scrapers. Look for feedback on factors such as cleaning efficiency, ease of maintenance, and overall satisfaction. This information can help you make an informed decision and choose a scraper that meets your expectations.
- Consult with Experts: If you are unsure which primary belt scraper is best for your needs, consider consulting with experts or suppliers. They can provide valuable advice and recommendations based on their experience and knowledge of different scraper models and applications. This can help you select a scraper that provides optimal performance and value.
- Maintenance and CostConsider how easy it is to maintain and replace parts of the scraper. Balance the initial purchase price with long-term maintenance costs.
- Manufacturer Reputation and ComplianceSelect a scraper from a reputable manufacturer to guarantee quality and reliability. Ensure it meets industry standards and regulations.
- Belt Width CompatibilityEnsure the scraper is appropriate for your conveyor belts width for efficient cleaning.
- Environmental ResilienceSelect materials that can endure the specific environmental challenges of your workplace, like high temperatures or corrosive elements.
Where to Find Primary Belt Scrapers for Sale
Primary belt scrapers are available for sale through various online and offline channels. Here are some of the best places to find primary belt scrapers for sale:
- Online Retailers and Marketplaces: Many online retailers and marketplaces offer a wide range of primary belt scrapers for sale. Websites such as Amazon, eBay, and industrial supply stores like Grainger and McMaster-Carr provide a variety of scraper models and brands to choose from. Shopping online allows you to compare prices, read reviews, and make informed decisions from the comfort of your home or office.
- Manufacturer Websites: Many primary belt scraper manufacturers sell their products directly through their websites. Brands such as Flexco, Martin Engineering, Metso, Richwood, and ASGCO offer detailed product information and the option to purchase scrapers online. Buying directly from the manufacturer ensures that you are getting genuine products and may provide access to additional resources such as installation guides and technical support.
- Industrial Supply Distributors: Industrial supply distributors often carry a range of primary belt scrapers and other conveyor system components. Companies such as Motion Industries, Applied Industrial Technologies, and MSC Industrial Supply offer a variety of scraper models and can provide expert advice and support. Purchasing through a distributor can also offer benefits such as bulk pricing and local availability.
- Trade Shows and Expos: Industry trade shows and expos are excellent places to find primary belt scrapers for sale. These events provide an opportunity to see different scraper models in action, meet with manufacturers and suppliers, and learn about the latest innovations in conveyor belt cleaning technology. Attending trade shows can help you make informed purchasing decisions and establish valuable connections within the industry.
- Local Suppliers and Dealers: Local suppliers and dealers often carry primary belt scrapers and other conveyor system components. Purchasing from a local supplier can provide benefits such as faster delivery times, personalized service, and the ability to see the products in person before making a purchase. Look for suppliers and dealers in your area who specialize in conveyor systems and industrial equipment.
Selecting the right primary belt scraper is essential for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your conveyor system. By considering factors such as material compatibility, blade material, adjustability, mounting system, ease of maintenance, and cost-effectiveness, you can choose a scraper that meets your needs and provides optimal performance. With a wide range of options available from leading brands and various purchasing channels, you can find the perfect primary belt scraper to enhance your conveyor systems performance and reliability.
Primary Belt Scraper: Types of Conveyor Belt Scrapers
Conveyor belt scrapers are essential tools in maintaining the efficiency and longevity of conveyor systems by removing residual material from the belt. There are various types of conveyor belt scrapers, each designed to handle different materials and operational conditions. Understanding the types of scrapers and their specific use cases can help in selecting the most suitable scraper for your system.
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Primary Belt Scraper
The primary belt scraper is the first line of defense against material carryback. Installed at the head pulley, it removes the bulk of the material that sticks to the belt after discharge. The primary belt scraper is designed to handle a wide range of materials and operating conditions, making it a versatile choice for many conveyor systems.Primary belt cleaners are installed at the head pulley to remove the bulk of the material from the belt. They are typically made of durable materials such as polyurethane or carbide.
- Efficiently removes bulk materials.
- Reduces material carryback.
- Enhances conveyor system efficiency.
Use Cases:
- Suitable for removing coarse, bulk materials.
- Ideal for applications where the material is relatively dry and non-sticky.
- Commonly used in mining, aggregate, and bulk material handling industries.
Secondary Belt Scraper
Secondary belt scrapers are installed after the primary belt scraper to provide additional cleaning. They are designed to remove any remaining material that the primary scraper may have missed, ensuring a more thorough cleaning of the conveyor belt. Secondary belt scrapers typically have more flexible blades and are positioned closer to the return side of the belt.Secondary belt cleaners are installed after primary cleaners to provide additional cleaning. They are designed to remove any remaining material.
- Provides additional cleaning for finer materials.
- Ensures a higher level of belt cleanliness.
- Reduces maintenance costs and downtime.
Use Cases:
- Effective for removing finer materials and sticky substances.
- Used in conjunction with primary scrapers to achieve optimal cleaning efficiency.
- Suitable for applications where the material has high moisture content or is sticky.
V-Plow Scraper
The V-plow scraper is designed to prevent material buildup on the return side of the belt. It is typically installed before the tail pulley and is shaped like a V to deflect material off the belt. This type of scraper is essential for protecting the tail pulley and other components from damage caused by material buildup.V-plow cleaners are designed to prevent material buildup on the return side of the belt. They are shaped like a V to deflect material off the belt, protecting the tail pulley and other components from damage.
- Prevents material buildup on the return side of the belt.
- Protects conveyor components from damage.
- Reduces maintenance costs and downtime.
Use Cases:
- Ideal for preventing material buildup on the return side of the belt.
- Used in applications where material spillage is a concern.
- Commonly used in bulk material handling and mining operations.
Diagonal Plow Scraper
Diagonal plow scrapers are similar to V-plow scrapers but are installed diagonally across the return side of the belt. This design allows the scraper to remove material from one side of the belt and direct it off the conveyor. Diagonal plow scrapers are effective in preventing material buildup and protecting conveyor components.Diagonal plow cleaners are installed diagonally across the return side of the belt to remove material from one side of the belt and direct it off the conveyor. They are effective in preventing material buildup and protecting conveyor components.
- Removes material from one side of the belt.
- Prevents material buildup on the return side of the belt.
- Protects conveyor components from damage.
Use Cases:
- Effective for removing material from one side of the belt.
- Suitable for applications where material spillage is a concern.
- Used in mining, aggregate, and bulk material handling industries.
Rotary Brush Scraper
Rotary brush scrapers use rotating brushes to clean the conveyor belt. These scrapers are typically installed after primary and secondary scrapers to remove fine particles and dust from the belt. Rotary brush scrapers are effective in achieving a high level of cleanliness, especially for belts carrying fine or powdery materials.Rotary brush cleaners use rotating brushes to clean the conveyor belt. They are effective in removing fine particles and dust from the belt, achieving a high level of cleanliness.
- Effective in removing fine particles and dust.
- Provides a high level of belt cleanliness.
- Suitable for applications requiring stringent hygiene standards.
Use Cases:
- Ideal for removing fine particles and dust.
- Suitable for applications where a high level of belt cleanliness is required.
- Commonly used in food processing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical industries.
Tungsten Carbide Scraper
Tungsten carbide scrapers are known for their durability and high abrasion resistance. They are typically used in heavy-duty applications where the conveyed material is highly abrasive. Tungsten carbide scrapers can withstand harsh operating conditions and provide long-lasting performance.
Use Cases:
- Suitable for heavy-duty applications with highly abrasive materials.
- Ideal for mining, quarrying, and bulk material handling industries.
- Effective in environments with harsh operating conditions.
Water Sprays and Wash Boxes
Water sprays and wash boxes use water to clean the conveyor belt. They are effective in removing sticky materials and fine particles, providing a thorough cleaning of the belt.
- Effective in removing sticky materials and fine particles.
- Provides a thorough cleaning of the belt.
- Suitable for applications where water can be used for cleaning.
Air Knives
Air knives use a high-velocity stream of air to blow off residual material from the conveyor belt. They are effective in removing fine particles and dust without the use of water or brushes.
- Removes fine particles and dust.
- Does not require water or brushes.
- Suitable for applications where water cannot be used.
Primary Belt Scraper: Enhancing Efficiency with Conveyor Belt Cleaners
Using conveyor belt cleaners in conjunction with primary belt scrapers is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and reliability of conveyor systems. Conveyor belt cleaners are designed to remove residual material from the belt, reducing carryback and minimizing maintenance costs. There are various types of conveyor belt cleaners, each offering unique benefits.
Importance of Using Conveyor Belt Cleaners
Conveyor belt cleaners play a vital role in ensuring the efficient operation of conveyor systems. They help in reducing material carryback, which can cause several issues, including:
- Increased Wear and Tear: Material carryback can lead to increased wear and tear on conveyor components, such as pulleys, idlers, and the belt itself. This can result in higher maintenance costs and shorter equipment lifespan.
- Belt Mistracking: Residual material on the belt can cause it to mistrack, leading to operational inefficiencies and potential damage to the conveyor system.
- Safety Hazards: Material carryback can create hazardous working conditions by causing spillage and dust accumulation, increasing the risk of accidents and health issues for workers.
- Environmental Concerns: Material spillage can lead to environmental contamination and non-compliance with regulatory standards.
By using conveyor belt cleaners in conjunction with primary belt scrapers, these issues can be mitigated, resulting in a more efficient and safe conveyor system.
Industry Applications For Primary Belt Cleaners
Primary belt cleaners are utilized across various industries where conveyor belts are essential for material handling. Here are some key industry applications:
- Mining Industry: Used to clean conveyor belts that transport raw minerals and ores, reducing downtime and ensuring efficient material flow.
- Aggregate and Quarrying: Essential for removing debris and material carryback on belts transporting gravel, sand, and crushed stone.
- Cement Industry: Helps in maintaining clean belts in the transport of raw materials like limestone and gypsum, as well as finished cement products.
- Power Generation: Utilized in coal-fired power plants to clean belts transporting coal to boilers and other areas, reducing the risk of fire and improving operational efficiency.
- Steel and Iron Industry: Important for removing carryback in belts transporting raw materials like iron ore, pellets, and coke, as well as finished steel products.
- Food Processing: Ensures hygiene and cleanliness in conveyor belts used for transporting food products, preventing contamination and ensuring compliance with health regulations.
- Recycling and Waste Management: Helps in the efficient transport of recyclables and waste materials, reducing blockages and maintaining clean conveyor belts.
- Bulk Material Handling: Applied in industries handling bulk materials such as chemicals, fertilizers, and grains to ensure clean and efficient belt operation.
- Construction: Used in the transport of construction materials like concrete and asphalt, ensuring clean belts and preventing material buildup.
- Pulp and Paper Industry: Essential for removing residue from belts transporting wood chips, pulp, and finished paper products, ensuring smooth operation and reducing maintenance needs.
These applications highlight the versatility and importance of primary belt cleaners in maintaining efficient and safe operations across diverse industries.
Primary Belt Scraper Maintenance
Maintaining primary belt scrapers is crucial to ensure their effectiveness and extend their lifespan. Here are some key maintenance practices:
- Regular Inspection: Conduct routine inspections to check for wear, damage, or misalignment. This should be done frequently, depending on the operational conditions and the type of material being handled.
- Cleaning: Keep the scraper and surrounding area clean to prevent material buildup that can interfere with the scrapers performance.
- Adjustment: Regularly adjust the tension and alignment of the scraper to ensure it maintains proper contact with the conveyor belt. This helps in effective cleaning and prevents uneven wear.
- Replacement of Blades: Inspect scraper blades for wear and replace them as needed. Worn or damaged blades can reduce cleaning efficiency and may damage the conveyor belt.
- Lubrication: Ensure that any moving parts are properly lubricated as per the manufacturers recommendations to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation.
- Check for Material Compatibility: Ensure that the scraper material is compatible with the type of material being transported to prevent premature wear or chemical damage.
- Monitoring Wear Patterns: Keep an eye on wear patterns on both the scraper and the conveyor belt. Uneven wear might indicate a need for adjustment or a different type of scraper blade.
- Regular Training: Train maintenance personnel on proper maintenance procedures and the importance of regular checks and adjustments.
- Documentation: Keep detailed records of inspections, maintenance activities, and any replacements. This helps in identifying patterns and scheduling preventive maintenance.
- Manufacturer Guidelines: Follow the manufacturers maintenance guidelines and recommendations for specific belt scraper models to ensure optimal performance.
By adhering to these maintenance practices, you can ensure that primary belt scrapers perform effectively, prolong their lifespan, and maintain the efficiency and safety of the conveyor system.
Secondary Belt Scraper: An Essential Addition
Secondary belt scrapers are an essential addition to any conveyor belt cleaning system. They complement primary belt scrapers by providing additional cleaning, ensuring that any residual material left by the primary scraper is removed. This results in a cleaner belt and a more efficient conveyor system.
Secondary Belt Scrapers and Their Role
Secondary belt scrapers are installed after the primary belt scraper to provide a second line of defense against material carryback. They are designed to remove any remaining material that the primary scraper may have missed, ensuring a more thorough cleaning of the conveyor belt. Secondary belt scrapers typically have more flexible blades and are positioned closer to the return side of the belt, allowing them to effectively clean the belt without causing damage.
Role of Secondary Belt Scrapers:
- Enhanced Cleaning Efficiency: Secondary belt scrapers provide additional cleaning, removing finer materials and sticky substances that the primary scraper may have missed. This results in a cleaner belt and reduces material carryback.
- Reduced Maintenance Costs: By ensuring a more thorough cleaning of the conveyor belt, secondary scrapers help to reduce wear and tear on conveyor components, resulting in lower maintenance costs and longer equipment lifespan.
- Improved Belt Performance: A cleaner belt operates more efficiently, reducing the risk of belt mistracking and other operational issues. This enhances the overall performance and reliability of the conveyor system.
- Increased Safety: By reducing material carryback and spillage, secondary belt scrapers help to create a safer working environment, minimizing the risk of accidents and health issues for workers.
How Secondary Belt Scrapers Complement Primary Scrapers to Achieve Optimal Cleaning
Secondary belt scrapers are designed to work in conjunction with primary scrapers to achieve optimal cleaning of the conveyor belt. While primary scrapers remove the bulk of the material from the belt, secondary scrapers provide additional cleaning to ensure that any remaining material is removed.
Complementary Cleaning Action:
- Primary Scrapers: Primary belt scraper is installed at the head pulley to remove the bulk of the material from the belt. They are designed to handle a wide range of materials and operating conditions, making them a versatile choice for many conveyor systems.
- Secondary Scrapers: Secondary belt scrapers are installed after the primary scrapers to provide additional cleaning. They have more flexible blades and are positioned closer to the return side of the belt, allowing them to effectively remove finer materials and sticky substances.
Benefits of Combined Cleaning:
- Thorough Cleaning: The combination of primary and secondary scrapers ensures a more thorough cleaning of the conveyor belt, reducing material carryback and improving belt cleanliness.
- Reduced Wear and Tear: By removing more material from the belt, the combined action of primary and secondary scrapers helps to reduce wear and tear on conveyor components, resulting in lower maintenance costs and longer equipment lifespan.
- Improved Efficiency: A cleaner belt operates more efficiently, reducing the risk of belt mistracking and other operational issues. This enhances the overall performance and reliability of the conveyor system.
- Enhanced Safety: By reducing material carryback and spillage, the combined action of primary and secondary scrapers helps to create a safer working environment, minimizing the risk of accidents and health issues for workers.
Secondary belt scrapers are an essential addition to any conveyor belt cleaning system. They complement primary scrapers by providing additional cleaning, ensuring that any residual material left by the primary scraper is removed. This results in a cleaner belt, reduced maintenance costs, improved belt performance, and increased safety. By understanding the role of secondary scrapers and how they complement primary scrapers, you can achieve optimal cleaning and efficiency for your conveyor system.
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FAQs about Primary Belt Scraper
What is primary scraper?A primary scraper is a device used in material handling systems, particularly on conveyor belts, to remove the bulk of material sticking to the belt. Positioned at the head pulley, primary scrapers are the first line of defense against carryback, which refers to the material that clings to the belt and is carried back along its return path. By effectively removing this material, primary scrapers help prevent build-up and reduce the risk of damage to the conveyor system.
What are belt scrapers used for?Belt scrapers are essential tools in maintaining conveyor belt systems. They are used to remove residual material that sticks to the belt after the bulk of the load has been discharged. This helps prevent material carryback, which can cause several issues such as belt mistracking, premature wear of conveyor components, and increased maintenance costs. By keeping the belt clean, scrapers also improve the efficiency and longevity of the conveyor system, reduce material wastage, and enhance workplace safety by minimizing spillage and dust.
What is the angle of primary scraper?The angle of a primary scraper is typically set between 90 to 95 degrees relative to the belt surface. This angle is crucial for maximizing the scrapers efficiency in removing material from the belt without causing excessive wear on the belt or the scraper itself. The exact angle can vary depending on the type of material being conveyed and the design of the scraper. Proper adjustment of this angle ensures optimal performance and extends the lifespan of both the scraper and the conveyor belt.
How do you clean a conveyor belt?Cleaning a conveyor belt involves several steps to ensure it operates efficiently and safely. Here are the key steps:
Shut Down and Lock Out: Ensure the conveyor system is shut down and locked out to prevent accidental startup during cleaning.
Remove Large Debris: Manually remove any large pieces of material or debris from the belt surface.
Apply Scrapers: Use primary and secondary scrapers to remove adhered material from the belt.
Brush and Vacuum: Use brushes or vacuum systems to clean finer particles and dust from the belt.
Wash: For thorough cleaning, wash the belt with water and appropriate cleaning agents. Ensure the cleaning solution is compatible with the belt material to avoid damage.
Inspect and Maintain: Regularly inspect the belt and scrapers for wear and damage, and replace or adjust components as needed. By following these steps, you can maintain a clean and efficient conveyor belt system, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of the equipment.
Primary scrapers are for initial cleaning. Secondary scrapers provide additional belt cleaning in a different location on the conveyor.
How of Ten Do Scrapers Need to Be Changed Out?It usually depends on the environment; some will wear out a scraper faster than others. You should replace blades when they become ineffective.
Last Updated on July 10, by Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith, a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in the conveyor system industry. Jordans expertise lies in providing comprehensive solutions for conveyor rollers, belts, and accessories, catering to a wide range of industrial needs. From initial design and configuration to installation and meticulous troubleshooting, Jordan is adept at handling all aspects of conveyor system management. Whether youre looking to upgrade your production line with efficient conveyor belts, require custom conveyor rollers for specific operations, or need expert advice on selecting the right conveyor accessories for your facility, Jordan is your reliable consultant. For any inquiries or assistance with conveyor system optimization, Jordan is available to share his wealth of knowledge and experience. Feel free to reach out at any time for professional guidance on all matters related to conveyor rollers, belts, and accessories.
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